Saturday, January 27, 2007

Answering some questions

Some stuff that people asked me about in emails.

My camera is a Canon Powershot SD800. I couldn't figure out how to turn the flash off on the camera (at Carlsberg Brewery), and it kept flashing and making glares on the beer bottles. So thats why there is a movie in that gallery...I figured the movie wouldn't make a flash.

I'm finding food to eat just fine. Haven't made much use of the kitchen yet though...still need to run into a Danish person in there and ask them the rules, etc. I think we have space in the cupboards and fridge we can use, but I want to make sure I don't take someone else's space...

The Amagerbro shopping area is huge...much bigger than it looks on the outside. Most stuff is pretty expensive I think. Lots of clothes and shoe stores. Everything is UDSALG UDSALG UDSALG (sale sale sale). 50% 50% 50%. I guess Denmark stores have two big sales a year. One at the end of January, and one at the end of August. We have sales for every holiday, and even a few extra holidays if the stores can create them. :)

In general, everybody speaks English (and quite well). They aren't annoyed when you start speaking in English, for the most part. I think most people are happy for a chance to practice.

Living in Copenhagen is very cool. I can get anywhere I want by walking or the easy public transportation. I haven't lived in a big city before, but this is very nice. No long driving commute to get places, and no traffic jams. Just a nice, green, walk to the subway (with a bakery on the way), and then a short subway ride into downtown Copenhagen.

A bit intimidating going someplace new, because you want to make sure you know how to get back. I have my address in my wallet, just in case. :)

People do have accents on their English. Some are much better than others. I ate at a bagel shop in Copenhagen, and the guy running it spoke perfect English with hardly an accent. Other people aren't as good, but you can certainly understand them. If anything, they will say the vowels just a little bit differently, or change the length of them just a little bit. So you can still hear the word, but the tone of it seems a little off.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like a super nice friendly city. Nice that people speak English well.

Anonymous said...

However, don't like the idea of only 2 sales a year. Zikes. Talk about the poor deprived shoppers!