Monday, January 22, 2007


Arrived in Copenhagen airport Sunday afternoon, after a 8 hour flight from Chicago. I was very impressed by the Scandanavian Airlines service. Our plane was a large one, 2-4-2 seat arrangement, with about 40 rows I think. Each seat back had a TV screen, so you could choose which show you wanted to watch. I ended up watching a couple of English detective mysteries that were pretty good. The TV screen also had a channel where you could view cameras outside the plane. One faced forward, and the other down. These were pretty useless for most of the flight, since only clouds were visible. It was cool watching takeoff and landing from the front of the plane. The sunrise over the clouds was pretty as well.

We had two meals: salmon and pasta early in the flight, and then hot rolls and yogurt about an hour before landing. Very good. Even brought us a hot wash cloth after they woke everyone up.

After arrival in Copenhagen, DIS was there with a bus to transport our luggage. We went to KUA (University of Copenhagen, Amager), which is close to the airport. Got a bag full of information, and then had an orientation information session in a lecture hall there. DIS loaded us back up into the busses and took us to the kollegium.

My kollegium is a very large one in Amager (close to KUA). DIS has a paid representative here (a Danish student, Joel), who helps us out if needed. He gave us our room keys, and then a tour of the kollegium. This place has everything from a dark room, to laundry, to a bar in the basement, to a bike-fixup-shop. I think it is about 6 stories. I'm on the second. We have two seperate rooms, with a shared bathroom. The bathroom is a little different than home. The toilet has half-flush and full-flush options. The shower consists of a shower curtain to close off half the bathroom, and then a hand-held shower by the sink. Not the type of setup where you would spend 20 minutes in the shower, but then again maybe that is the point.

Austin (my roommate) and I grabbed something from the bakery a few blocks away this morning, and an orange juice from 7-11. It is snowing. A very light, fluffy snow that makes your whole face wet when a flake lands there. DIS opening ceremony is today. Joel's friend is walking the people from our kollegium over there.

I'll take pictures someday.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the flight update. It does sound like quite the plane - especially with the viewing options of seeing outside of the plane. Wonder if American planes have this on overseas flights. Those Scandinavians are progressive.

I know what you mean about bathroom facilities - takes a little getting used to a different system. I found the TT very rough - not like Charmin! Ha!

Have fun! SB

Anonymous said...

Do we still email you with Eric@429...? Got delivery of 41 computers Wednesday and some used office equipment. Phone lines still not hooked up correctly. Centurytel had routed the phone signal to the old 1908 building. Alot of people asking for jobs, hope we can supply them. Still hauling corn. Sounds like you might have to get a bike in Copenhagen. Justin has a deal where we can set up our own direct phone line to about 20 different countrys and call for free, of course we will charge people for the service. Yes Denmark is one of them. Thanks for the blog. Is the peanut butter supply holding out? Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Brother! I especially liked the last paragraph. It was super poetic. :)