Thursday, January 25, 2007

First Classes

Today was the first day of class. I had my Kierkagaard philosophy class first. It is offered through Copenhagen University, so I guess we are registered with KU if we are taking the class. Typical Danish university courses like this one are only graded on the final paper. You go to class, do the readings, and then write a long final paper. This is read and graded by someone other than the teacher of the class. Then the teacher consults with the grader, and they make minor adjustments as needed. Our Kierkagaard class won't operate exactly like that, as DIS is kind of a mix between US/Danish styles. 40% of the grade will be the final paper, and graded by a different professor. The 10% participation and 50% small papers are graded by the professor teaching the class, which is like the US system.

My other class today was Danish. The teacher is originally from Odense, where Hans Christian Andersen was born. She is a French major, and came to the US for a year when she was 16. I guess she teaches Spanish at DIS too. Quite a few languages. My Danish class is 50% language and 50% culture I guess. She wants us to keep a little journal of cultural differences we notice, so I guess writing it here is as good as anywhere else.


Anonymous said...

God dag!

I checked out a English to Danish through Google. The words that I've looked up are VERY similar to German so far.

You probably just hand in your blog site for your Danish class.

Eric said...

We don't have to hand in our journal.

Anonymous said...

And so you are doing it why....? Honestly, what kind of college kid are you! Kidding. It'll be fun to write down the little differences you notice. Looking back at them at the end of the semester they might not seem so strange! Also, a good keepsake. Along with those pictures that are supposedly coming... Hmm.. I'll keep reading and see if I can find these mystery pictures anywhere.