Saturday, January 27, 2007

Kvickly Supermarket

Took a walk down to Kvickly Supermarket today. Probably 6-7 blocks away, along Amager Boulevard (kind of the main street for Amager). Our guidebook says it is somewhat like a Super Walmart. I don't think I'd put it quite that way, but it did have a very large selection similar to a Super Walmart. The focus was mostly on food though, and then clothes/electronics/etc were added on to that.

Bought a shaver, headset for making phone calls, and two loafs of bread for DKK 491.90. About $82. The MOMS tax (25% valued added tax) was DKK 98.38 of that. So $16.39 of the $82 was tax.

The exchange rate is about $1 = 6 DKK. So I'm getting very good at dividing by 6 to get the cost in dollars. Yet another reason why your kids should learn those multiplication tables Mom. :)


Anonymous said...

Ouch on the tax.

Anonymous said...

So gald to hear that you finally figured how to get in and out of that store. But you can't survive on bread alone - "Man cannot live on bread alone" ! Oh, I forgot you have PEANUT BUTTER!! YEAH!! Maybe you can find some jam to go with it?!

My friend, who spent a year in Norway, said you'll soon get over that dividing by 6 and just realize that when you need to have it, what the heck, you buy it. Hope the money is holding out! :)