Thursday, January 25, 2007

Observations from walk home

Just a few things I've noticed walking around Copenhagen:
  • People tend to wear more "stylish" clothes in general. Everyone certainly wants to look nice. Coats in particular are different from what I'd see walking around Gustavus. I'm sure my coat stands out a bit. Most people wear tighter fitting, "New York" coats I guess. Conservative and nothing flashy. The younger and middle age people would fit in just fine with their attire at home though.
  • The older people typically have long coats, below the knee, from what I've seen. And bigger hats. Younger people either don't wear a hat, or have a stocking cap.
  • Kids walking around are always in boots and a snowsuit. Babies are almost always in a stroller. Their moms leave the strollers outside (with the baby inside) when the go in someplace to shop. The baby is bundled up very warmly it looks like, but the fact that they leave them outside unattended is kind of different. Everyone leaves their bike around town too, with no lock or anything. I guess theft isn't a concern.
  • 7-Eleven is a very large chain here. I think I know where about 8 of them are just on my way to school. They are usually small, at the corner of a building. It isn't a gas station (haven't seen any of those anywhere near where I live or in Copenhagen). It is the convenience store part of a 7-Eleven at home. I think they are pretty expensive though. 19 kroner for about a 16oz orange juice ($3). Bottled water and other drinks are about the same price.
  • I know of two McDonalds downtown Copenhagen, and a Burger King. There is a Dominoes Pizza about 2 blocks from where I live.
  • Certainly many more stores that are not familiar to me though. Downtown Copenhagen has many small, local shops I think. Cheap supermarkets include Netto, Fotex.
  • Everything is clean. The streets don't have trash or bubble gum. Many of the ones I walk on are cobblestone, and trash would certainly get stuck in the cracks. There isn't any though. I do see people smoking, but no cigarette butts in the cobblestones either. There are no homeless people. No "hoodlums" on street corners. Everything is very organized and efficient.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading your observations. I also noticed the cleanliness of the Scandinavian countires and the safety factor. SB

Anonymous said...

I always knew you were observant. Interesting stuff. I must get back to work. CBS

Anonymous said...

Sounds nice. A world that is clean and safe. Who would have thought?!? Surprised 7-11 is so huge. Is the Quarter Pounder really called a Royale at McDonalds because I heard a rumor it was....? Make sure to send your sister a good gift and a postcard so I can show off to all my college friends with my mail from Denmark. :) Hope you are meeting people and hanging out.