Friday, February 23, 2007

Snow Effects

Copenhagen can't handle this snow. The entire town has been barely getting by. The buses are all off schedule and coming at odd times ... the metro sometimes doesn't go all the way to the end of its normal runs ... the S-trains (trains to suburb areas) are all running really late or cancelled. Some kids who live farther out (and take the S-train in) were an hour late for our test in the business class today.

My Danish politics professor said this is the most snow he can remember in the last 10 years. My history professor made the comment that all Swedes keep tire chains in their garage so they get by just fine.

The roads are now starting to get cleared off a little bit better. I had to wait a long time for the bus today though. Here is a news article in USA Today about it. Jutland got more snow, but there is some reference to Copenhagen transportation at the end.


Anonymous said...

The midwest is being innundating with ice, freeezing rain and snow. Paul said that he has had 2 inches of ice build up and that the power lines are being affected as the lights are blinking.
I am surprised that the Danes have difficulty with the snow. Guess my impression of them was not accurate.
Hope you did well on the test! :)

Anonymous said...

We had some rain last night so the roads are slippery, but I haven't been out. Watching Buster slide around was the sign to stay in. It started snowing about 9:30 with huge flakes, but quit after an hour or two. Now it is snowing again, but not much. They said 8-16 inches and I think it all missed us, unless we get it tonight. Parts of MN have had LOTS of snow. Hope we get it late tomorrow and then a late start on Monday. MN had over 200 trucks out salting, etc last night and today. Our taxes must pay for the plows and the Danes probably not.

Take care. :)

Anonymous said...

We had 9-12 inches in the cities the paper said. A bunch of friends stole lunch trays and went sledding at midnight on Saturday. We couldn't resist. :) It was nice to know Minnesota is still capable of getting snowstorms. I was beginning to lose hope.... How much snow does Denmark get usually? Or do they never get snow and that is the problem?