Saturday, April 14, 2007

The other Copenhagen

We had our IBE (business program) dinner last night. It was at a restaurant called the RizRaz downtown Copenhagen. It was a buffet-style meal which turned out to be all vegetarian. Certainly different from any buffet we'd see in Minnesota I think. Some foods were better than others, but overall it was a good meal. DIS bought us 2 drinks as well.

Today I went to a seminar on "strategic planning". It was an optional thing which DIS offered for the first time. One of the professors at DIS (he teaches the international terrorism class) works for the Danish Intelligence Agency, and has taught this little seminar in other places before. So they decided to do it here too.

Strategic planning is a way to "prepare for an uncertain future". Basically it was a way of taking a really complex issue, simplifying it, and then drawing conclusions from that on what the future might hold. Used by intelligence agencies, businesses, etc. The class went from 9am-4pm today, and we tackled the issue of "the world in 2027". It was very interesting -- I liked it.

Walking home afterwards, it was really stunning to see the difference in Copenhagen from just last Monday when I got back. That was a colder, windy day and there was nobody around. Today is almost like summer, and it was like being in a different city. Tons of people everywhere enjoying the sun. All the squares and along the canals are full of people enjoying the weather. Every restaurant has large outdoor seating areas setup, which were just packed with people. The contrast with the earlier Copenhagen is really huge.

I'm visiting the Been family tomorrow afternoon, and then going to the F.C. København soccer game tomorrow evening. They play OB. FCK is the best team in Danish soccer and OB (from the town of Odense where Hans Christian Andersen was born) is the second best. It is required for my danish class, so they bought the tickets for us. Should be very exciting.

Two big papers and a lot of other stuff to get done in the next 1-2 weeks, but I'm really going to try and write about this trip...

Vi ses!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you - we're hoping for spring. Snow almost gone - AGAIN. Enjoy, learn, and keep well. Love, Gram & Gramps

Anonymous said...

Send a resume to Suzlon Energy A/S at Arhus Denmark. Big Stone Wind might be bidding on 10 of their turbines. Suzlon is busy buying other companies including rePower? out of Germany. Maybe the Been's have connections for you. Maybe they know other Danish companies that are doing business in the United States. Thanks for the blog. Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. The class sounded interesting. I'd like to hear more about it. The government is promoting a readiness website for citizens to access to be ready for an emergency. Clinton and ex- pres. Bush do the ad for the site together.
"vi ses" has me stumped! I checked on the Danish to English website and it doesn't show up. Then I went to Eng. to Dan. and put in a few guesses to no avail so I am assuming that "vi ses" is some sort of good bye or later or take care.
Have a good time at the Been's and the soccer match.
Good luck with the papers. I'd certainly understand if you spent more time on them than on the blog.
Keep smiling! S

Anonymous said...

We are having some nice weather here, too. It was above 50 here today and tomorrow higher yet. The snow is gone.

Got our bikes repaired, so now go on rides with Buster.

Someone plowed into our truck (drivers side) and next week it will get repaired. The guy got a ticket for it. No one was hurt.
