Wednesday, May 16, 2007

3 days left

The rain in Spain may fall mainly on the plain, but in Denmark it isn't quite that picky. I remembered to bring my umbrella and I still feel like I'm soaked.

The IT intern took all the IT workers out to eat tonight on DIS's dollar. We went to a place called Chili's, which serves amazing burgers. Between the drink, the burger/fries, and chicken wings I guess I cost DIS over $25... tuition dollar at work. It was a half-pound bacon cheeseburger and quite amazing.

Absolutely pouring by the time we got out of there. On the way back to DIS there was a guy standing in Gammeltorv in the pouring rain dressed in a much too large clown suit. He had the monster shoes, red nose and all. The clown had handcuffed himself to a sign and was blaring out strings of horrible sounds from an old tuba. Due to the rain there was nobody else around in the square, just this one lone clown, handcuffed to a sign, blowing notes in a tuba. Quite the sight. :)

All final tests done. One final paper to get turned in by Friday afternoon.

My flight is leaving Copenhagen 3:35pm on Saturday. Arrive at OHare 5:30pm, leave OHare 8:00pm. Arrival at Minneapolis 9:24pm Lindbergh Terminal. Flight to Minneapolis is United Airlines 597. I would just hop on the train when I got home, but somebody forgot to build it I think. Maybe I could hop on the bus... er, I think they forgot to get that running too.


Anonymous said...

Ah,yes. We have no public transportation out here. Love MOM

Unknown said...

United?? I'm sorry. Good luck getting home.

Anonymous said...

Yippee, you're on your way home. G&G

Anonymous said...

Yippee, you're on your way home. G&G

Eric said...

Wow, 4 comments within 45 minutes of my post. You guys are fast. :)

I fly Scandinavian Airlines to Chicago, which was quite luxurious on the flight over (I thought so anyways). Should make it back to the states for sure...

They do have a train running Chicago -> Minneapolis. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad your tuition dollars went to something you liked.

Am anxiously waiting to see you. The days go by SO slow. My class is beginning to drive me crazy.

It is too bad we don't have mass transit ALL over the state and USA. Just think how much it would save someone and oh the places one could travel.

Good luck with that one last paper, but you write so well you can whip it out in a couple of hours.

Mark and Buster are at the farm working, well Buster is playing. They are waiting for your safe return as well.


Anonymous said...

i am going to miss your blog! Perhaps you could take some short trips to the post office or someplace when you return, take some photos and then write an interesting commentary about the excersion AND then post it?

Can't wait to see you!! Don't worry about a ride home. Even though the price of gas is absolutely horrible, my Buick is getting 30 mph and is due a Clinton trip.

Good luck on the paper and the packing.