Thursday, February 22, 2007

Day after Blizzard

I haven't been very impressed with Copenhagen's cleanup job after the Blizzard. Most of the sidewalks still aren't really cleared. The roads aren't much better. Everything is just a big slushy mess all over. The public transportation is goofed up today too. I think they've been spoiled by really nice winters, and aren't used to having lots of snow. I suppose we had 4-5 inches. North of Copenhagen they had as much as a foot.

Maybe I'm being unfair and we don't clean up much better in Minnesota. It just seems that there has been very little clearing of snow done. I'm sure the cobblestones don't make the cleaning any easier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are expecting snow this weekend. Maybe we'll have 4 to 5 inches or maybe more. Every weather forecast is different. We'll see how long it takes them to clear the roads here. Or will they? Mom