Monday, February 12, 2007

An Update

Apparently I haven't been updating this blog very well. As I've been informed from a number of people, there has been no posts at all in February! :) I'll try to post more frequently...sorry for the lapse.

I've been using the kitchen here quite a lot now. Tacos were on the menu for yesterday, and I was able to use Carol's tupperware she sent cookies in to save taco meat for lunch today too. I've purchased a number of other meals as well. It is a little difficult finding meals that I can both cook and find the ingredients for. This isn't a bad thing, but a different set of challenges than I would have cooking at home. Not that I cook at home... :)

This weekend we go on our trip to western Denmark with the business program. Our events start on Wednesday afternoon when we visit Denmark's largest company, Maersk. This is the largest (or one of the largest) shipping companies in the world. They ship those large containers around the world.

On Thursday morning, we leave for western Denmark. Take a ferry to Aarhus, Denmark, which is the second largest city. From there we visit nearby Danish Crown, which is Europe's largest slaughterhouse and the world's largest exporter of pork. Danish Crown's export amounts to 6% of Denmark's total export. It is owned by more than 20,00 farmers. Recently it has been closing down a number of smaller slaughterhouses due to globalization pressures, which has brought it under some public debate.

On Friday, we visit Arla Foods. Arla Foods is Europe's largest dairy company and is a cooperative owned by approximately 13,650 milk producers in Denmark and Sweden. They also own several large European grocery store chains. We will visit their headquaters and a dairy. Also on Friday, we will visit Aarhus Kunstmuseum. This is a new museum that just opened in 2004.

On Saturday, we visit Ribe. Ribe is Denmark's oldest town. We will visit a museum about the town starting from the Viking age, through the Middle Ages, to about year 1700. Then a guided walking tour of the old town and the Cathedral. Then we drive back to Copenhagen that night.

You can click on the links above for more information. If you want to find these places on a map, I have laid out our route on Google maps. Click here to see where I'm going in Denmark.

On Sunday, the Been family has invited me over to their house again for dinner. I believe two of their three sons will be home as well. It should be fun.

I met with Julie at the Øster Farimagsgade school on Wednesday. I will be going to her Thursday morning 7th grade English class on February 22 to give a little presentation about where I'm from. She had two volunteers at the school last fall from DIS, and they did a number of lessons throughout the semester. Julie told me they weren't comfortable talking about US history, so she is hoping I can talk about that somewhat. Basically, her main goal is to force her students to communicate with someone who they can't fall back to Danish with. She says they know enough English to get their point across but many of them are not confident in doing that.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Eric. Sounds like an interesting tour. Have fun MOM

Anonymous said...

Always is fun to read your updates. I love it when you post something new but realize that you are busy with school.
I am AMAZED at the "go to" sites that you put in the blog. You are high tech!!
Have fun on your excursion and at the school. I still have ALL of my history books. Could send one to you if you need something to show.

Anonymous said...

Great to read the updates.
Thanks for the update.

I sure am glad you can make tacos and have the tupperware to put the leftovers in, so would you make the cooking channel?

Have lots of fun on the trip to the various parts of Denmark.

Keep us posted when you return.

CBS :)