Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Blog posts I'm going to write

I'm getting a little behind on writing some of these. I looked back, and I never did write a post about our Jutland trip! I guess I talked about it on the phone and in email with people. It is tough to remember who I discussed what with. :)

Blog posts I'm going to write:
- Jutland trip
- Trip to Malmo, Sweden this last weekend
- Some things from class (EU ag policy, Danish welfare state)

Hopefully I can get these done before I leave on Saturday. Things aren't looking good though, as it has dawned on me that I have an awful lot to get done. A paper for my Danish class, a paper for my history class, a paper for my philosophy class, and Danish vocabulary homework. Then I need to pack and figure out where I am traveling to! I need to buy a return flight ticket as well, and have it mailed to Johannes in Vienna for me to pick up when I visit. I really should spend some time emailing/etc about a summer internship before I leave as well.

Our business class leaves Saturday morning at 8:15am by bus for Berlin. We stay there for 3 days (visiting some companies, some museums, etc). Then we travel to Prague for 3 days (more company and cultural visits). Then on Friday I'll take the train to Vienna (thats the plan anyways). Stay for a few days, then to Venice->Rome->Cinque Terre. I'll probably get a flight on Thursday/Friday (April 5/6) to London or Dublin and spend Easter weekend there.

Oh, and the floor decided that there is going to be a poker game Friday night. I don't really need to sleep do I?

I do update my blog more than Karin's spring break trip does. :)


Anonymous said...

No complaints on my part with your blog. I just figure that you are busy.
Don't worry about it. Have some fun, get your papers done, study and then WIN at poker!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey don't worry. I just assume you are busy and from what you have said you are. Get the work done and have fun on the trip. Good luck in poker. :)

Anonymous said...

We all enjoy reading your info, but noone wants you to spend all your time in front of your computer. Have fun. Mom