The ten rules are:
- Don't think that you are special.
- Don't think that you are of the same standing as us.
- Don't think that you are smarter than us.
- Don't fancy yourself as being better than us.
- Don't think that you know more than us.
- Don't think that you are more important than us.
- Don't think that you are good at anything.
- Don't laugh at us.
- Don't think that anyone cares about you.
- Don't think that you can teach us anything.
It is a somewhat controversial topic in Denmark and is probably debated how much it still applies in large cities like Copenhagen. But I think it gives a good picture of why Danish culture is the way it is in different ways.
Do we have some of these ideas in Minnesota too?
I think there are possibly a few in U.S. who carry 'a chip on their shoulder' similar to the Jante Law. Have run across a few 'Holier than thou' attitudes. Keep up the excellent reporting. Gram A
I believe that the people from the Midwest are a friendlier and more courteous group than from some other USA areas.
Believe that some of the early MN immigrants had some of the same feelings as the Danes.
I personally feel that our society as a whole has saddly become very self-centered.
This would be an excellent topic for a socialogy class.
Thanks for making me think!
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