Thursday, March 8, 2007


Some info from my sister. :)
I'm going on a volunteer trip over Spring Break with an organization called Students Today Leaders Forever. The trip is called Pay It Forward (it is modeled after the book/movie). Basically, we are going to be going to 6 different cities and helping out in different areas within the community.

The organization that is running the trip has set up a blog so family and friends can keep track of where we are and what we are doing each day. I'm not sure exactly what they are going to be putting on it but if you are interested in following along, here is the website:


Anonymous said...

Your trip sounds like work and not much sleep, take some pictures or have someone take some for you. Don't get too many blisters. Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Loved the movie "Pay It Forward". You will be busy but a "good busy". Sounds as if you wil need lots of deoderant along!
Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having fun. The weather here is really nice, in the 50's. Snow is melting like crazy.
Our girls BB team is in the state tournament. We play on Thursday and get out of school early.:)
Love ya,