Thursday, March 1, 2007

Visit to Øster Farimagsgade

I visited the 7th graders again today. The principal came in (I assume he was the principal) and told the class something. I'm pretty sure he was telling them about the raid on the house and that they should be careful walking home.

They were finishing giving presentations on a book they read. It was a book in English, and they had to give the presentation in English. This was their first presentation in English that they've given. I was very impressed. I could certainly understand everything they said, and not really many grammar issues either. Much better than my Danish! Many Hans Christian Andersen stories. One girl did a Maya Angelo story. One girl did hers on a Paris Hilton autobiography.

Afterwards I got to chat with some of them. They told me all about the issues with this "house" in Copenhagen. They knew some kids who were going to demonstrate. Older than them. But 15-16-17 year olds.

They start/end school at different times each day I think. Just depending on when they have classes. Today was about 9:30am until 3:30 pm.

The class I go to is 9:45am-11:15am. Afterwards they have their lunch break. There isn't a cafeteria at the school...everybody brings a lunch from home. Most people do anyways. Some of them don't eat anything, which didn't surprise me. There were certainly kids at home at that age who would eat a bag of chips or something for lunch. If school doesn't start until 9:30 for them today, I imagine they've just eaten breakfast not too long ago.

No school buses. Most of them live close by. Either within walking distance, or they take a bike or public transportation.

I played some basketball with them during their lunch break. Need to take your shoes off before going in the gym. Julie (the teacher) played basketball too. The kids all call her Julie. I was a little taller than most of them. :) But not by too much though. It was a lot of fun, and I was only a few minutes late for my philosophy class. It was time well spent. They are all quite good at English, but a little shy and unconfident with speaking it, so playing basketball with them should help.


Anonymous said...

Are you going to visit there weekly now? Good opportunity to visit during lunch break. Mom

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun and with time maybe they will be more confident speaking. How were the reports? Did the teacher grade them on content or on just the speaking? Do all the teachers play basketball?

Anonymous said...

How many kids are in the class? Should we send some more objects or candy for you to share?